Where Is My Refund?
E-Filed Returns
If your return was electronically filed with the IRS, you should receive your refund within three (3) weeks of filing your return.
Verify Your Direct Deposit Information
Contact your financial institution and verify the routing and account number you provided your accountant was accurate.
Paper Filed Returns
If your return was paper filed with the IRS, you should receive your refund within six (6) weeks of filing your return.
Track Your Refund Online
Click the icon above to track your refund on the IRS website. You will need a copy of your return when using this feature.
If you are attempting to track a refund from Idaho, click here.
Issues Processing Your Return
You will be notified by the IRS via mail if issues exist that delay the processing your return. Alert your accountant immediately if you receive any IRS letters.
Call the IRS
Please attempt to track your refund online before calling due to the long hold time.
IRS Refund Hotline:
Idaho Refund Hotline: